Hoya Blog — hoya watering

Hoya potting mix - video recommendation

Posted by loi tran on

I came across a pretty good Youtube video on potting mix.  The quick summary is to use sphagnum moss on the bottom with a little sphagnum connecting to the middle of the potting mix.  Then use bark or bark and perlite for the rest.  He uses a net pot.  Using this mix in his experiment so far has yielded really good results.  In his climate, he waters every 4 to 6 days and hasn't experienced any root rot.  If you feel like experimenting, I think this is a good technique.   The channel is Basie Plants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0xWBvSdS4o&t=590s

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How much water do hoyas need?

Posted by loi tran on

Hoyas are fairly easy to grow, but the most difficult thing to master is to get watering down.  Over water and you get root rot.  Under water and you'll lose new growth and have roots dry out. 

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